Frequently Asked Questions
What is music therapy?
What is a Music Therapist-Board Certified (MT-BC)?
Why chose music therapy?
Who can benefit from music therapy?
Music therapy is unique in that it can benefit a wide variety of individuals from infants to older adults including people with:
Improve quality of life, memory recall, social interactions
Reduce depression, agitation
Terminal illness
Improve quality of life, social interactions
Reduce pain, anxiety, fatigue
Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, addictions
Improve self-expression, self-esteem, relationships
Reduce muscle tension, anxiety
Stroke/Traumatic brain injury
Improve self-expression, social interactions, motor skills, communication
Reduce depression, anxiety
Improve social interactions, self-expression
Reduce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Improve communication, social interactions, motor skills, self-awareness
Reduce agitation
For more information about these populations and research studies related to music therapy, please visit the AMTA Research Fact Sheets.